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It also works on ants, spiders, roaches, and bascially any "bug". The larger bugs may need a extra spray to speed things up, but it kills them! I believe it disolves the grease that holds their ecto-skeleton together and basically suffocates them as it dissolves the grease. Either way, it does work very well, and you wont have to worry about overspray, or spraying harsh chemicals around pets, children, or in the kitchen..

Why is this so important? Because the current system of matching people to work is weathered and insufficient. As in all things human, there are a multitude of reasons why, but the reality is that billions of people are not doing what they could or should be doing. They are punching the clocks and doing good work to be sure, but are they doing the kind of work that comes from applying their talents and energy toward the work products for which they have a passion? In fact some would argue that MOST people are in the WRONG jobs.

I have had the pills for over a month and haven't taken them yet. Being that it is a steroid I am very worried for a number of reasons. One, is because I have 5 kids who are always getting colds from the cold weather and being in school and from what I have read about the medication it says to avoid being around people who are sick because your immune system is lower while being on steroids.

If you reading this right now you probably have been broke, are broke, or know someone who is struggling with being broke. The pain and suffering of being in this state is truly awful. Being broke causes thoughts of despair, feelings of failure, desperation, struggle, lack and need.

